Monday, March 29, 2010

Seriously, enough with the porn.

I keep gearing myself up to get back to blogging. And then I see I have a comment on my blog. Yay! I think.

And then I see that it's porn spam.

Why? What about my blog says "great site for porn fishing?" It's very disheartening.

And yet, I'm back. In hopes that a new entry will throw them off the scent.

I could, of course, just make it harder to leave comments.

But what if that makes it so an actual person doesn't write one? I'm comment needy.

Anyway. The porn was the tip of the "why I haven't been writing" iceberg.

Other reasons: great times, awful times, extreme fatigue, not feeling like I had anything clever to say, a fixation on buying and selling cloth diapers.

Any of these good reasons? No, but there we are.

Finn is going through an amazingly cute and fun phase. He's talking a lot more and is a lot more company. Kevin has also been traveling a huge amount and so I've just been taking care of Finn, which means by the end of the day I'm tired and would rather read, watch TV or read other people's blogs than be creative myself.

Plus, the longer I go the better I think the entry needs to be when I return. Which is a lot of pressure.

But I decided to just dive back in.

So here we are.