I have my doubts that Finn is ever going to eat solid food.
We've moved up to slightly dabbling in the world of solids, but considering he's almost nine months old, I sometimes feel we should have more than a toe in.
Like seemingly most things with babies, it is one step forward, ten million steps back. He eats a little and then doesn't sleep and seems to be a generally unhappy camper. I back off of feeding him. He gets better but I feel guilty that he's not eating solid foods and start feeding him again. And so the cycle continues.
It's one of those chicken and the egg things. Am I avoiding solids because he's bothered by them or is he bothered by them because I avoid them?
I don't know and despite hours of google-ing, I really have no answer.
Luckily he is thriving (read: enormous) even though he's still 90% breastfed. Sure, all he'll be able to take to lunch in kindergarten is a thermos of breast milk, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago