Friday, September 4, 2009

Me: 1 Sewing: 0 (well, it's at least a tie)

Okay, it's taken me five days, but I managed to sew a cloth wipe today. Yes, it's a little wonky and not quite square, but I am SO proud of it, and myself.

I am going to devote myself to cloth wipe making this weekend (assuming I can talk the husband in a little baby free time for me) and hope to have some good looking ones.

What can I say...small victories...

We are still the land of baby poop here. I don't know if things are improving much, but let's hope so. I haven't had a good night sleep in nine consecutive nights, so I am less than cheerful, but I am holding up well, at least I think so.

Mainly I am bored of being stuck in the house with an unhappy baby.

Oh motherhood. 80% great for sure, but 10% suckiness and another 10% mind numbing boredom. This week has been heavy on the last twenty percent, so I think I am owed an excellent weekend. We will see if the universe delivers.

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