Sunday, February 7, 2010

Five things I love about my son

So a bunch of bloggers are doing this "13 (14?) days of love" leading up to Valentine's Day and blogging about things they love and whatnot.  But I missed that blogger memo and so am just doing one nod towards love today.

So, here are five things I love about my baby boy:

1.  His little starfish hands - so cute and tiny - but they're still people hands!  I love it when he pats my face, even if it is all too often the "clawing your eyes out" gateway

2.  His laugh - is there anything cuter than baby laughter?  I think not.  Finn has a dorky indrawn laugh that I completely adore.

3.  His new love of twirling - Finn learned to do this in music class - he now loves twirling until he is dizzy and falls over - then he laughs and laughs

4.  Nursing - yes I am still breastfeeding and while it's sometimes frustrating to not be able to have my husband put him to sleep, I love the feeling of closeness that I get from it and feeling like I am able to meet his needs

5.  How he's imitating everything now - although this is a lot of pressure - Finn is imitating everything we're saying/doing/all the sounds we make.  It's so funny and cute to watch him learn, although I definitely need to watch what I am saying!

1 comment:

faith ann raider said...

SO cute! I nursed my son until he was 2. I loved the closeness. After he turned 2 my husband and I take turns to put him to bed. It's nice to get that little break!
And the immitation - it was so funny the first time I heard my little man saying "oh crap" I was just glad it didn't happen out in public ;)