Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm a bad hostess...and possibly friend...and mom...join me in a pity party

I am having a hard day.

Well..some of the day was nice...but the evening is not going so great and when I get in the dark cloud it seems to color everything around it, including the immediate past and future, and so a bad day is born.

Finn is not sleeping.  And I know that's the actual problem.  I am on four nights with very little sleep with a very fussy and teething baby.  I know my emotions are really caused by fatigue, but it's hard to seperate out the tiredness from the "my life is out of control...I can't handle this..." even if the root of the problem is really the not sleeping and not my actual life.

But right now I have a tired and fussy baby.  And we're out of pain killers for him.  And he just pooped everywhere.  And I am covered in baby poop and baby food.  And I just want to feel like a person, and not just a mom.  And get some sleep, and have a clean house.

And I feel especially bad that Emily is here in the midst of molar-gate, because I feel like it's making me a much more tired and cranky hostess.  Hopefully she is still having some fun.

And we did go see the movie "Valentine's Day" with my totally age-inappropriate boyfriend, Taylor Lautner.

Mmmm...he's pretty.

So, really, the day wasn't all bad.  And maybe we'll sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Im having lots of fun! I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight.